Porra, muuuito foda! Pena que foi divido em 3 partes e a última estava faltando. Quem curte Jackass, CKY e os chatos do Dirty Sanches, vai gostar de ver esse filme... se bem que quem curte esses programas que eu mencionei, já deve ter visto há tempo. Sem falar que esses finlandeses são gatinhos, hein...
Pra ser honesta, eu ainda não sei o que me atrai e me faz virar super fã de programas assim, se formos olhar pela lógica, seria sadismo da minha parte. Talvez eu curta, de uma forma bizarra, ver homens sofrendo. Whatever...

Jukka & Britney
A história desse porco é hilária:
Britney has a really confusing sexual history: We got him when he was just 1 month old, and we were certain that he was a male pig. So we named him "Satan". But then a few months later we realized that he didn't have any testicles! So we thought that he is a girl after all, and we re-named him as "Britney". But things got even more confusing after that, as we realized Britney has male genitalia, but without the testicles - Someone had cut them off when he was a baby! We found out that it's standard practice with pigs who are not being raised for breeding purposes... So Britney was a boy after all. Since things had gotten really confusing at that point, we didn't want to change his name again! - Jarno
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